I am learning laravel following a tutorial. I am stuck with this error
ErrorException in Macroable.php line 81:
Method open does not exist. (View: path\to\project\resources\views\form.blade.php)
I am using FormFacade. earlier I was facing an error saying:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::bindShared()
which I overcame by replacing bindShared
with singleton
all over the file
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css">
<h1>Create a new form</h1>
{{ Form::open() }}
{{ Form::close() }}
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class HtmlServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
* Indicates if loading of the provider is deferred.
* @var bool
protected $defer = true;
* Register the service provider.
* @return void
public function register()
$this->app->alias('html', 'Illuminate\Html\HtmlBuilder');
$this->app->alias('form', 'Illuminate\Html\FormBuilder');
* Register the HTML builder instance.
* @return void
protected function registerHtmlBuilder()
$this->app->singleton('html', function($app)
return new HtmlBuilder($app['url']);
* Register the form builder instance.
* @return void
protected function registerFormBuilder()
$this->app->singleton('form', function($app)
$form = new FormBuilder($app['html'], $app['url'], $app['session.store']->getToken());
return $form->setSessionStore($app['session.store']);
* Get the services provided by the provider.
* @return array
public function provides()
return array('html', 'form');
Plese Help.
was deprecated for Laravel 5.0, and has not been updated to work with Laravel 5.1+.
You need to replace it with the laravelcollective/html