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Make selected <a> bold when clicked inside nested ng-repeat

I want to make selected choice as bold. Here is the Plunker which I have created. I thought of putting ng-class='className' and then setting


inside directive controller, but it got applied to all the elements. How to make clicked as bold and then when other option is selected, I want that previous selected to choice to drop that class and newly make newly selected option as bold.

  font-weight: bold;

I found SO link but for this i would have to create another directive and also I would have to handle the scenario where prev element to drop class and make newly selected element bold


  • You can use ng-class like:

    <a ng-class="{'selection': $parent.val ==}" ng-click="selectedVal(">{{}} ({{group.count}})</a>

    Updated Plunkr: Note that it works only for the top level elements.