I'm trying to convert my old preg_replace
to preg_replace_callback
but struggling quite hard. Wondering if someone could help out a bit.
My old working one:
$pattern = "/\[product\](.+?)\[\/product\]/e";
$text = "Hejsan hoppsan [product]2022|lots of text textext[/product] och sen så händer det lite blandat och så har vi [product]11245| med en jävla massa text[/product]";
echo preg_replace($pattern, "productBox('$1')", $text);
This works quite fine, as long there is no new lines after the |
and before [/product]
[product]2022| like
But otherwise the code works fine.
The function:
function productBox($text) {
global $wpdb;
$test = explode("|",$text);
$loopProductID = $test[0];
$desc = $test[1];
//sql's to get information about the products
$productHTML = '<div class="flow-item">
<div class="flow-product-image"><a href="'.$permalink.'"><img src="'.$thumburl.'" alt="'.$title.'" /></a></div>
<div class="flow-product-info">
<h3><a href="'.$permalink.'">'.$title.'</a></h3>
<div style="padding: 5px 0px 10px;">'.$desc.'</div>
<div class="flow-product-facts">Art.nr: '.$artnr.' - Pris: '.$prisinklmoms.' kr</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
return $productHTML;
I also tried to put the whole function inside the preg_replace_callback
, like this:
$test = preg_replace_callback($pattern,
function productBox($matches) {
global $wpdb;
$test = explode("|",$matches);
$loopProductID = $test[0];
$desc = $test[1];
//sql's to get information about the products
$productHTML = '<div class="flow-item">
<div class="flow-product-image"><a href="'.$permalink.'"><img src="'.$thumburl.'" alt="'.$title.'" /></a></div>
<div class="flow-product-info">
<h3><a href="'.$permalink.'">'.$title.'</a></h3>
<div style="padding: 5px 0px 10px;">'.$desc.'</div>
<div class="flow-product-facts">Art.nr: '.$artnr.' - Pris: '.$prisinklmoms.' kr</div>
<div class="clear"></div>
return $productHTML;
, $text);
Returns a white page.
//sql's to get information about the products
contains quite some sql's so I just took it away since it would be a quite long post and the sql is working fine.
Anyone that could help me out?
The best solution would be if I could use it without having the function made inside the preg_replace_callback
since the code will be used on more places and creating the function over and over again just seems bad in case I have to change something in it. So I would rather just call the function.
Or is there a way to multi-do it perhaps? Put the whole thing inside a function and just call it like myGoodFunction($text_I_want_fixed);
[product]productid|Text about the product to show[/product]
This is how it's made now, I've been thinking about trying to change the regex to make it like [product id="productid"]Text[/product]
but thats a later fix. Just trying to figure out how to fix the preg_replace_callback
Thanks in advance for any help!
You need to pass an anonymous function, not a named function:
preg_replace_callback($pattern, function ($matches) { ... }, $text);
// look ma, no name! ^
Otherwise it's a syntax error.
The alternative is the define a named function and pass it as callback:
function productBox($matches) { ... }
preg_replace_callback($pattern, 'productBox', $text);
// pass a callback by name ^