In UNIX I can do the following:
grep -o 'string' myFile.txt | wc -l
which will count the number of lines in myFile.txt containing the string. Or I can use :
grep -o 'string' *.txt | wc -l
which will count the number of lines in all .txt extension files in my folder containing the string. I am looking for a way to do the count for all files in the folder but to see the output separated for each file, something like:
myFile.txt 10000
myFile2.txt 20000
myFile3.txt 30000
I hope I have made my self clear, if not you can see a somewhat close example in the output of :
wc -l *.txt
Why not simply use grep -c
which counts matching lines? According to the GNU grep manual it's even in POSIX, so should work pretty much anywhere.
Incidentally, your use of -o
makes your commands count every occurence of the string, not every line with any occurences:
$ cat > testfile
hello hello
$ grep -o hello testfile
And you're doing a regular expression search, which may differ from a string search (see the -F flag for string searching).