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Can PyCharm's IdeaVim plugin be persuaded to use hard tabs?

I'm primarily a vim user, but at work most folks are using PyCharm, so I thought I'd at least give PyCharm a serious try.

To make the transition a little less... well... repetitively typed, I installed PyCharm's IdeaVim plugin.

However, our coding style -requires- hard tabs, not spaces (yes, it's the opposite of what most places do today), and I'm having a hard time getting IdeaVim to insert hard tabs instead of 4 spaces.

I've tried :set noexpandtab (and a :%retab), and I've tried ^V^I, but neither seems to be working.

Does anyone have IdeaVim doing hard tabs? If yes, how?



  • Have you set "Use tab character" in "File | Settings | Editor | Code Style | Python"? Does everything work as expected with IdeaVim disabled? Please give a code example and your keystrokes where you would expect tabs, but got spaces instead.