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Allow Client to Test App Without Giving Them Code

So I want to allow my client to try the app im developing, but I fear giving them the source prior to completion. Is there a way to send them a compiled version if they have x-code on their computer?


  • There are many ways to test iOS App.

    1) Testflight

    2) Diawi is another simple way. with using Diawi you have to upload an IPA and send client to onli url for download. it's Completely Wireless installation.

    Steps for Diawi........

    • Upload the application and its provisioning profile.
    • Send the link to your testers, clients, friends or even use it yourself.
    • Open the link in Safari on the iOS device and click on install.

    you have to add their iPhone’s UDID in the provisioning profile.

    3) test In Simulator. if client needs to test in simulator then send .app file to client.

    Steps for .app file

    • xCode window tab
    • Organizer
    • Right click to the archive you want to get app
    • Show in finder
    • Right click to (ProductName….). xcarchive file
    • Show package contents
    • Products
    • Applications