Consider a simple tool using a BroadcastReceiver
to achieve a simple goal. Because this should not be used by other applications, it defines a permission with a protectionLevel of signature
or signatureOrSystem
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:protectionLevel="signatureOrSystem" />
<application android:label="AnyTest">
android:permission="any.test.PERMISSION" />
Now I'd like to test this by sending broadcasts via
adb shell am broadcast -n any.test/.Receiver
from my computer. While this works perfectly fine on an emulator, it doesn't work at all on a real device when this permission is set. If the permission is not set, everything works as intended.
So how can I define or grant the permission so that I can test all this on a real device with ADB
I want to make this exported receiver a little more secure in debug mode, so if there's a special permission for ADB
usage or a run-time test to only allow calls from ADB
I can implement in Receiver.onReceive(Context, Intent)
, it would help too. The receiver doesn't have to work for ADB
and other apps at the same time.
A root shell can send any broadcast protected by any permissions.
A normal shell also has been granted lots of permissions, check this file in the AOSP souce code: frameworks\base\packages\Shell\AndroidManifest.xml.
Replace your any.test.PERMISSION
with one permission in this file that the protectionLevel is signatureOrSystem
, like android.permission.REAL_GET_TASKS
. After that, you can send broadcast to this receiver in shell, but other 3rd app can not.