I have RealTime
asterisk with 3 servers. In database I hold sippears
only and voicemail
boxes. Voicemail messages are stored on the system FILE_STORAGE.
Server A and B are for calls and sip registrations and Server C is dundi. Currently everything work fine.. I can call from Server A to Server B. The problem is when I leave message to number who is busy and registered on Server B.. then this number disconnect and register on Server A -> he can't listen the messages because it is stored on Server B..
How can I make any user to be able to listen his messages no matter on which server are?
You have alot of options, most of each in clustering area.
Simplest options are:
Glusterfs setup on both server, voicemail in glusterfs directory. This one do failover
NFS/samba share on both servers.