anyone here good at js?
im looking for a form with following fields which would auto calculate and display the total on fly when i inpot the numbers in side the fields.
<input type="text" name="acutalprice" value="">Actual Price: 329
<input type="text" name="discount" value="">Discount: 65%
<input type="text" name="shipping" value="">Shipping: 50+
Total Amount: 165.15
on sumbit should get the total amount output
First things first, add jQuery library to <head></head>
part of your page. You should use jQuery download page or Google's Hosted Libraries page to find jQuery library.
<script src=""></script>
Then, you should put <input>
elements into <form></form>
element and add submit button for the form.
<form id="myForm">
<input id="actualprice" type="number" placeholder="Actual Price">
<input id="discount" type="number" placeholder="Discount">
<input id="shipping" type="number" placeholder="Shipping">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
<h3 id="result"></h3>
Finally, add script to the page for submitting the form.
$('#myForm').submit(function (event) {
var actualprice = Number($("#actualprice").val().trim());
var discount = Number($("#discount").val().trim());
var shipping = Number($("#shipping").val().trim());
var discountRate = (100 - discount) / 100;
var result = (actualprice * discountRate) + shipping;
$("#result").html("Result :" + result.toFixed(2));
Good luck.