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Compare arrays in Ruby

I have an array of fully qualified domain names:


I have another array that has hostnames:

["filer1", "filer3"]

I have to compare the two arrays, and if the hostnames are present in fqdn, then I need to get the fqdn from the first array. For example, "filer1" is present in "", so I need to get the value "". And "filer3" is present in "", so I need to get the value "".

Help is appreciated.

["",,].map.each_with_index {|vserver, indx| host_names[indx] unless host_names[indx].nil?}}

I get [true, nil, nil, nil], but I actually need the values of fqdn like [""].


  • fqdn_array = ["", "", ""]
    hostnames = ["filer1", "filer3"]
    result = fqdn_array.keep_if{|fqdn| (hostnames - fqdn.split('.')).length < hostnames.length}
    # => ["", ""] 

    Array#keep_if iterates through the array and keeps all elements where the block is true. In the block I split your fqdn at the dot into an array. Then I subtract it from the hostnames array. If the result is shorter than the original array length, I found a fqdn which includes one of your hostnames and the condition returns true.