I have the following mixin
@mixin rhombus() {
@include transform(rotate(45deg));
and another one:
@mixin centerVertically() {
@include transform(transform(0, -50%));
position: absolute;
top: -50%
Now I would like to use them both on the same element and of course it will fail because the last called will be a winner.
There is a similar question for LESS but I could not find any solution for SASS.
Don't stick to the code above, this is just an example. I don't ask how to center the element or how to rotate it; I also know the order of transformation can matter, but still, is there any way to make the transform property be merged?
the question is marked as a duplicate, but the question is totally different (and answer is not covering my question as well). I am asking about sharing the properties within a single block:
div {
@mixin rhombus;
@mixin centerVertically;
The attached question is asked about accessing inherited properties and same level properties. My case is different and I believe the answer can be different as well. I don't search for manipulating the inherited property. I search for the way to merge the property values into one. And I already found an answer although the 'duplicate' question does not have the one which solves the problem.
I've made some research and found the following feature request on a SASS'es repo which describes exactly this case.
Yes, there is no nice solution for that SASS-wise. But there is a workaround by mahdaen which might be really helpful. The code below is fully belonging to this good guy
$tmp-box-shadow-value: none;
@mixin box-shadow($value, $append: false) {
@if ($tmp-box-shadow-value == none) {
$tmp-box-shadow-value: $value !global;
@else {
$tmp-box-shadow-value: ($tmp-box-shadow-value, $value) !global;
@if ($append == false) {
@include prefixer(box-shadow, $tmp-box-shadow-value, true);
$tmp-box-shadow-value: none !global;
with usage like
.shadow-elem {
// Appending values.
@include box-shadow(0 0 1px #ccc, true);
@include box-shadow(0 0 1px #ddd, true);
// Append and write the style.
@include box-shadow(0 0 1px #eee);
Although it may seem dirty in somebody's eyes, I really like it as after small adaptions it fully solves my problem.