I have a workers table and an associated workerGeofence table.
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `workergeofences` (
`ID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`WorkerID` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`GeofenceID` int(11) NOT NULL,
`isActive` tinyint(4) NOT NULL
I need to return only workers who have at least one entry in the workerGeofences table with an isActive of 1.
I'm able to get the desired outcome withe following:
SELECT distinct w.ID, Title, FName, SName, Email, Birthday, Address, Phone, description,
FROM Workers w WHERE companyID = ?
and w.ID IN (SELECT WorkerID FROM WorkerGeofences WHERE isActive <> 0)
limit ?,10
but the in subquery is exhaustive as when I run the explain, I can see it is scanning the entire table. How would I get around this?
First of all , your join is wrong! you are not comparing any common column on both table, you should add where workerGeofences.workerID = w.id like this:
SELECT w.ID, Title, FName, SName, Email, Birthday, Address, Phone,
description, companyID
FROM Workers w
join workerGeofences
WHERE workerGeofences.workerID = w.ID companyID = ?
and w.ID IN (
FROM WorkerGeofences s
WHERE isActive <> 0
and s.workerID = w.id
limit 0,10
And second, you are not selecting anything from the second table, so the join is unessesary and in your IN statement, you are not comparing the right ID's so your query should be:
SELECT w.ID, Title, FName, SName, Email, Birthday, Address, Phone,
description, companyID
FROM Workers w
WHERE companyID = ?
and w.ID IN (
FROM WorkerGeofences s
WHERE isActive <> 0
and s.workerID = w.ID
limit 0,10
Also, you can use EXISTS() for that.
SELECT w.ID, Title, FName, SName, Email, Birthday, Address, Phone,
description, companyID
FROM Workers w
WHERE companyID = ?
and exists
FROM WorkerGeofences s
WHERE isActive = 1
and s.workerID = w.ID
limit 0,10