I am using the python-cloudant library, trying to do a query:
import cloudant
my_database = client['database']
query = cloudant.query.Query(my_database,selector={'selector': {'$gt': 0}},fields=['doi'])
for doc in query(limit=100, skip=100)['docs']:
print doc
This gives me an error: HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://myurl.com/mydatabase/_find
With this error when I try loading the page in a browser: {"error":"method_not_allowed","reason":"Only POST allowed"}
What am I missing here?
Unless you have an index on the field named selector
then this query won't work.
So assuming that you meant to use the primary index which is on the _id
field then if you change selector={'selector': {'$gt': 0}}
to selector={'_id': {'$gt': 0}}
this query should work.
As in:
import cloudant
client = cloudant.Cloudant(USER, PWD, account=ACCOUNT)
my_database = client['database']
query = cloudant.query.Query(my_database,selector={'_id': {'$gt': 0}},fields=['doi'])
for doc in query(limit=100, skip=100)['docs']:
print doc