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Why compiler couldn't match type 'a==a' with '`True' for type family?

Is there some reason why this code is not compiled:

type family Foo a b :: Bool where
    Foo a b = a == b

foo :: Foo a b ~ True => Proxy a -> Proxy b
foo _ = Proxy

bar :: Proxy a -> Proxy a
bar = foo

with error:

Couldn't match type ‘a == a’ with ‘'True’
Expected type: 'True
  Actual type: Foo a a

but if I change type family definition to

type family Foo a b :: Bool where
    Foo a a = True
    Foo a b = False

it is compiled well?



  • Due to a request for a complete working example from Daniel Wagner, I found an answer.

    Complete example at first:

    {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
    {-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
    module Test where
    import Data.Type.Equality(type (==))
    import Data.Proxy(Proxy(..))
    type family Foo a b :: Bool where
        Foo a b = a == b
    foo :: Foo a b ~ True => Proxy a -> Proxy b
    foo _ = Proxy
    bar :: Proxy a -> Proxy a
    bar = foo

    The problem here is with PolyKinds pragma. Without it it works well. I probably need it so that I can write

    bar :: Proxy (a :: *) -> Proxy a

    and all goes well.

    The reason is clear now. The type family (==) has no poly-kinded instances (details explaining why such instances aren't provided here) so we can't reduce all equalities. So we need to specify a kind.