I am running OMD 1.20 -latest according to official website, Check_MK 1.2.4p5 community edition on an Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS machine.
I need to configure a FTP check that will check also the credentials and reading/writing a file. The standard plugins do not offer such a feature from what I know so I am trying to use a custom plugin, specifically: https://exchange.nagios.org/directory/Plugins/Network-Protocols/FTP/check_ftp_rw/details
So the monitoring server is supposed to test an external FTP server that does not have the agent installed. I have the plugin in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins and have ran it manually and it works ok.
Now I am trying to configure it as a check in check_mk so I did the following in /opt/omd/sites/monitoring/etc/check_mk/main.mk
# Put your host names here
# all_hosts = [ 'localhost' ]
all_hosts = [ ]
extra_nagios_conf += r"""
define command {
command_name check_ftprw
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ftp_rw --host ftp.test.com --user test --password 'test123' --dir pub
legacy_checks = [
( ( "check_ftprw", FTP", True), [ "localhost"] ),
I restart the omd site and check the inventory but it nevers picks up this check.
I have solved this problem, the config is ok, then we need to reload check_mk: cmk -O
Then we need to check that the command is registered in check_mk_objects.cfg:
# extra_nagios_conf
define command {
command_name check_ftprw
command_line /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_ftp_rw --host ftp.xxx --user test --password 'test' --dir pub --file test.txt --write
We can check the agent output using: check_mk_agent