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Orchard Shape Wrapper

I'm following the Orchard documentation on Wrappers but couldn't wrap my head around it.

According to the documentation, we were to create Wrapper.HtmlContent.cshtml and insert the following in it.

<div class="htmlWrapperContent">

But what is Model.Html? Is it a Shape? I know Model is the Shape itself. Html is not a built-in property of Shape or IShape so I figure it must be some custom property done through code, for example shapeHelper.My_Shape(Html: "Hello World")?

Let's start from the beginning with an illustration of what I'm trying to achieve. I have done the following:

    <Place My_Shape="Content:before;Wrapper=My_Wrapper" />


<div class="myShape">
    @* let's pretend that the line below prints "Hello World" *@


<div class="htmlWrapperContent">
    @* what should I be putting here? *@

    @* I have tried the following *@

    @* #1 *@
    <div class="myShape">
    @* Obviously this works but then why would I use a wrapper to do this? I might as well just surround `My.Shape.cshtml` with `<div class="htmlWrapperContent"></div>` above. *@

    @* #2 *@
    @* This doesn't work because circular reference. IIS killed itself. *@

    @* #3 *@
    @* Since `Model._items` is empty, this doesn't print anything. *@

My expectation of how the page should look like

<div class="htmlWrapperContent">
    <div class="myShape">
        Hello World

So my question is, how should My.Wrapper.cshtml look like to meet my expectation?


  • Shortly after posting my question, I found the answer here

    Orchard - Wrappers for Fields

    So, the wrapper should be


    <div class="htmlWrapperContent">

    The Orchard documentation could use some improvements.