My question is: How to assign a name to a specific element of a vector in R, particularly, using the assign(x, value)
Normally, to assign a value to a specific element of a vector, I would do as follows:
agent1[2] <- TRUE
But, this is not possible for me, because my (pre-assigned) variables are being called in a for-loop as follows:
for (i in 1:10) {
assign(paste("agent", i, "[2]", sep=""), TRUE)
Unfortunately, it seems that the assign function doesn't work for assigning values to specific elements in a vector! So while the following
for (i in 1:10) {
assign(paste("agent", i, "[2]", sep=""), TRUE)
does work to assign the TRUE value to agent1 to agent10, I cannot pick out that it assign the value to only the first (or nth) element in each of the agent vectors.
In a simple case, this can be seen in the following:
a <- 1:4
a[1] <- 2
a[1] == 2 # TRUE
a <- 1:4
assign("a[1]", 2)
a[1] == 2 # FALSE
I'd appreciate any help on how to get around this. Thanks!
We can try
assign('a', `[<-`(a, 1, 2))
#[1] TRUE
If we need to change the values for a range of index i.e. the 1st 3 values to 2
assign('a', `[<-`(a, 1:3, 2))
#[1] 2 2 2 4