Search code examples

FileMaker Search With Related Records Not Working

So I have two tables. I'm going to be very specific and use very general terms to make sure there isn't any confusion, so thanks ahead of time for bearing with me since this description might seem a bit monotonous.

Table Name: Item List
Item Number


Table Name: Team Association

I put a relationship between Name_fk and Name_pk.

Name_pk is a list of names and what team they are. Name_pk is filled with entirely unique values, so you know John Smith is on Team Blue there is only one record with "John Smith" in the Name_pk field and that record has "Team Blue" in the Team field.

Now Table A will have a lot of repeat items under Name_fk. There will be ten rows with John Doe in them, ten Jane Doe rows, ten Joe Doe rows, and ten Jess Doe rows. Joe and Jane are on Team Green according to Table B, and Jess is on Team Blue with John.

In the relationships section of the Database Manager, I have linked Name_pk and Name_fk.

I need to be able to search for Team Blue, and only have John and Jess's item numbers show up, or search Team Green and have only Jane and Joe's Item Numbers show up.

So far I have been unable to get this to work in FileMaker Pro 14 Advanced


  • unable to get this to work

    "unable to get this to work" is not a good description of a problem.

    If you perform a find in a layout of Table A, searching for "Blue" in the Table B::Team field, you should find all items of people that belong to the Blue team.

    use very general terms to make sure there isn't any confusion

    Actually, this is a bad idea. It is very difficult to follow an abstract example like that. Please always use meaningful names for your tables and fields.

    Note also that your structure is fundamentally flawed. First, you should not use names as your matchfields. Next, you should also have a table of Teams, where each team has a unique record. So your structure would be:

    Teams -< People -< Items

    and you would use TeamID and PersonID, respectively, as the matchfields. With this in place, you could locate Team Blue's items instantly by doing Go to Related Record[], or display them in a portal right in the record of Team Blue.