I'm new to Python and have scoured the internet for help and nothing has solved my immediate issue, so would love any feedback. Does anyone know why I would be getting this warning?
I have downloaded and am trying to use an open-source module (CloudRasterizer.py) to edit point clouds (LiDAR/spatial data) from the EcosynthAerial toolbox with Windows. Within the module is a class 'CloudRasterizer', from which I will call a specific method. However, whenever I try to initiate the class I get the following warning, and can't get past this...
In the Python command line
EastAreaTest = np.loadtxt("C:\....TestFile.txt", use cols=(0,1,2,3,4,5))
EastAreaArray = np.array(EastAreaTest)
Import CloudRasterizer
from CloudRasterizer import CloudRasterizer
RasterizedTest = CloudRasterizer(EastAreaArray)
CloudRasterizer.py:290: FutureWarning: comparison to 'None' will result in an elementwise object comparison in the future. If (xyzrgb_array==None): get_aoi time:0.0 subset_cloud_ array time: 0.0 get_aoi time: 0.015 cloud_to_grid time: 0.015
Here is the beginning of the module code:
_all__ = ['CloudRasterizer']
import time
import numpy as np
import pylab as pl
import scipy.stats as stats
class CloudRasterizer(object):
CloudRasterizer Class for processing Point Cloud and enabling 2D analysis
:param np.array xyzrgb_array: XYZRGB numpy array
:param int resolution: (Optional) grid size relative to units of
point cloud (assumed to be meters)
:pararm list aoi: (Optional) [xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax]
:var int resolution: grid size relative to units of point cloud
:var np.array cloud_array: points in given AOI
:var int xMin:
:var int yMin:
:var int zMin:
:var np.array grid: 2D grid of arrays filled with XYZRGB points
def __init__(self, xyzrgb_array, resolution=1):
self.aoi = self.get_aoi(xyzrgb_array=xyzrgb_array)
self.resolution = resolution
self.cloud_array = self.subset_cloud_array(xyzrgb_array, self.aoi)
self.grid = self.cloud_to_grid(self.cloud_array, resolution)
And if it helps, here is my current directory when I import CloudRasterizer (CloudRasterizer.py is in the post process folder):
Thanks so much for any help!
On line 290 in the module, change if (xyzrgb_array==None):
to if (xyzrgb_array is None):