I wrote a code to filter an json array and print some elements, but it caused a banishment for me for too much cpu usage (free hosting plan) can you help me make it more efficient? perhaps by using functions like array_filter here is my code:
$obj = json_decode($data,true);
for ($x = 0; $x <= $elements; $x++){
if ($obj[$x]["SymbolStateId"]==1) {
echo $obj[$x]["FirstOrderPage"]["ExchangeSymbols"]["NSCCode"];
echo ",";
echo $obj[$x]["FirstOrderPage"]["BestBuyPrice"];
echo ";";
Use array_walk + array_filter
array_filter let you to filter the array elements and returns a new array with elements that satisfy the callback boolean statement.
array_walk in the other hand lets you to iterate each array element and apply a callback function for each of that
Please, use string concatenation operator to print more variables, don't make 3 statements for printing a string
function($item) {
return $item["SymbolStateId"] == 1;
function($item) {
echo $item["FirstOrderPage"]["ExchangeSymbols"]["NSCCode"] . "," . $item["FirstOrderPage"]["BestBuyPrice"] . ";";