I've got the beginnings of a spatial app (PostGIS + Rails + RGeo) with a single line_string
column on one of my models. On my local machine everything is good, the problem is on Heroku web dynos, where Rails/activerecord doesn't recognise the RGeo/PostGIS line_string type.
Each time after deploying, the first time the model is loaded I see the following in the logs:
app[web.1]: unknown OID 17059: failed to recognize type of 'line_string'. It will be treated as String.
Then if I add some logging to STDOUT I can see:
mymodel.line_string.class # String
RGeo::Feature::Geometry.check_type(mymodel.line_string) # false
However, if I run a one-off dyno with rails console (heroku run rails c production
) everything is good. I see the output I expect:
irb(main):001:0> mymodel.line_string.class
=> RGeo::Geographic::SphericalLineStringImpl
irb(main):002:0> RGeo::Feature::Geometry.check_type(mymodel.line_string)
=> true
It's also ok under worker dynos.
What would cause the unknown OID error? Why would one-off and worker dynos be able to work with this column perfectly but the web dyno not?
Puma was starting without configuration for PostGIS that I had added in application.rb
. ActiveRecord started working with PostGIS once I added the following to config/puma.rb
on_worker_boot do
if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)
config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] ||
config['adapter'] = 'postgis'
on_restart do
if defined?(ActiveRecord::Base)
config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] ||
config['adapter'] = 'postgis'
The other dyno types were just using application.rb
so they were always configured correctly.