I am getting this response.
msg = "Login successfully";
"type_id" = 1;
"user_id" = 2;
I used this code.
Alamofire.request(.POST, "http:/www.abc.com" , parameters: ["consumer_key": "Og5pRGI2V"]).responseJSON { response in
let employees = response["employees"]! as NSDictionary //getting error type response has no subscript member
Which is type of response ? How to parse this "msg","user_id" ?. thanks in advance.
Alamofire parses the response data and stores it in the response object. You can get it like this:
Alamofire.request(.POST, "http:/www.abc.com" , parameters: ["consumer_key": "Og5pRGI2V"]).responseJSON { response in
if let dict = response.result.value {
let msg = dict["msg"]
let userId = dict["user_id"]
// Do things with the values