I'm currently benchmarking an implementation of an AVL Tree I made against a non-rebalancing binary search tree using pytest-benchmark. It seems to be working well for me so far but I've run into an issue. In order to consolidate the test file, I found that I can parametrize tests and also group the output of the benchmark for readability but I can't seem to do them both at the same time.
My current insertion benchmark:
# always the same for repeatability
def insertRandomOrder(t, n):
tree = t()
for i in range(0,n):
def insertDescendingOrder(t, n):
tree = t()
for i in range(0,n):
def insertOutInOrder(t, n):
tree = t()
for i in range(0,n):
idx = (i%2)*n + (1-2*(i%2))*i
def insertAscendingOrder(t, n):
tree = t()
for i in range(0,n):
types = [BaseTree, AvlTree]
sizes = [100,300,1000]
cases = [insertAscendingOrder, insertDescendingOrder, insertOutInOrder, insertRandomOrder]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t', types)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n', sizes)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('case', cases)
def test_insert_benchmark(benchmark, t, n, case):
benchmark(case, t, n)
And here is the output:
Does anyone know of a way where I could group the output but say, the case
from my example? Or better yet, by a (case,n)
There was a useful comment saying that the master branch of pytest is in the process of supporting this exact feature, but I was unable to get it to work (fingers crossed for next release).
In the meantime, I figured out this handy work around. I'm able to group by case
, but not by (case,n)
with this method. I added a @benchmark_this
decorator above each test case to wrap the benchmark
call. It's pretty handy even without the extra benefit of grouping by test case!
def benchmark_this(test):
def wrapper(benchmark, t, n):
benchmark(test, None, t, n)
return wrapper
types = [BaseTree, AvlTree]
sizes = [100,300,1000]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t', types)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n', sizes)
def test_insertRandomOrder(benchmark, t, n):
tree = t()
for i in range(n):
tree.insert(random.randint(0, 0x7FFFFFFF), i)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('t', types)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('n', sizes)
def test_insertDescendingOrder(benchmark, t, n):
tree = t()
for i in range(n):
tree.insert(n-i, i)
# ...
Invoked with
py.test --benchmark-group-by=func