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page refresh causing user to get log out automatically in angular js

I have a Login API which I am using it in my service

function logInToService(callback, errback, login, password, rememberLogin) {
            var url = "User/Login";

            var authorizationHeader = {'Authorization': "Basic " + login + ":" + password};
  , {login: login, password: password}, authorizationHeader).then(
                function success(loginToken) {
                    // transform data here

                    self.currentUser.emailAddress = login;
                    self.currentUser.password = password;
                    // store token in a cookie
                    self.currentUser.token = loginToken;
                    $rootScope.currentUser = self.currentUser;

                    if (rememberLogin) {


                function error(errorObject) {

And in my header html I am displaying the user name on top when he gets logged in Header.html

 <div class="header-user-menu">
        <div ng-show="isUserLoggedIn() == false ">
            <a href="" ng-click="$state.go('')" class="">{{'HEADER.LOGIN' | translate}}</a>
            <!--<a ui-sref="" class="">{{'HEADER.LOGIN' | translate}}</a>-->
        <div ng-show="isUserLoggedIn()" class="userName">{{'HEADER.WELCOME' | translate}} {{currentUser.emailAddress}}</div>


and js file is here

(function() {
    'use strict';

        .controller('AppLayoutCtrl', appLayoutCtrl);

    // Implementation of controller 
    appLayoutCtrl.$inject = ['$rootScope', '$scope'];

    function appLayoutCtrl($rootScope, $scope) {

        $scope.isUserLoggedIn = isUserLoggedIn;

        function isUserLoggedIn() {
            if ($rootScope.currentUser
                && $rootScope.currentUser.emailAddress != null
                && $rootScope.currentUser.emailAddress != '') {
                return true;
            return false;


and here I have one registration service where I have defined logInToService method

function registrationService($rootScope, httpWrapperService, $modal, $state, $cookieStore) {
        var self = this;
        // expose functions
        self.hasUserAccessToLevel = hasUserAccessToLevel;
        self.logInToService = logInToService;
        self.getCurrentUserToken = getCurrentUserToken;
        self.showRegistrationViewForLevel = showRegistrationViewForLevel;
        self.currentUser = {
            //emailAddress: '',
            //password: '',
            //token: ''

        $rootScope.currentUser = null;
        self.currentUserToken = null;

 function logInToservice (------){----}})();

The problem is that every time when user presses page refresh F5 , user gets logged out. Even though I am trying to store the data in localstorage , but actually I am not getting the flow of control.


  • You are trying to save the data into localStorage, but you are not reading it. The currentUser variable you have the user data in is a regular javascript variable which gets reset when you reload the page.

    You need to do something like this:

    // ...
    // user logs in, remember it into the local storage
    // Note: is is better to use it via $window.localStorage
    $window.localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(user));
    this.currentUser = user;
    // function to get the user, if this.currentUser is not set,
    // try to load from the local storage
    getUser: function() {
      if (this.currentUser) {
          return this.currentUser;
      var storageUser = $window.localStorage.getItem('user');
      if (storageUser) {
        try {
          this.user = JSON.parse(storageUser);
        } catch (e) {
      return this.currentUser;
    // you may also want to remove the user data from storage when he logs out
    logout: function() {
        this.currentUser = null;