I have implemented my delegate methods to hide the divider when a view is collapsed, which works fine. The problem is at startup, if a view is collapsed, autosave keeps it collapsed but doesn't ask me if I want the dividers hiding, so they show by default and it looks nasty.
How can I force this delegate method to be called, what are my options if there isn't a proper way of doing it, fake a window resize?
My only solution has been:
windowSplitView.subviews[0].hidden = !windowSplitView.subviews[0].hidden
windowSplitView.subviews[0].hidden = !windowSplitView.subviews[0].hidden
The solution is to use the same fix for a window growing in size at each launch when the title is hidden: https://openradar.appspot.com/18510665
You have to remove the autosave name from Interface Builder (IB) and do it programatically after the window has loaded and the frames have been set:
override func windowDidLoad() {
splitView.autosaveName = "YourAutosaveName"