Can somebody help me to write this expression as it is driving me crazy!
Take this site for example
I'm trying to build up an expression where I can get all links under a category of my choice.
E.g. I want all four /a under New In
I can get the New In link via
//header//li[@class='nav-level-1-list']/a[contains(text(),'New In')]
I've then tried going up a level to then get all the links via:
but that doesn't work because it's still trying to find an anchor that contains 'New In'
How can I combine these two expressions together so I can get all the links under the category?
//header//li[@class='nav-level-1-list']/ul[preceding-sibling::a[contains(text(),'New In')]]//li/a
(did not test it, has nothing to run xpath on html)