I have a table with data and I would like to add friendly_id.
I don't know how to build my migration as I can't create a table with :null=>false when there's data in it. What I would like to do, was for the migration to run the FriendlyId so it builds the slug and inserts it to the database.
My current Migration is as follows:
class AddSlugToSite < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
add_column :site, :slug, :string
change_column_null :site, :slug, false
add_index :site, :slug, :unique => true
def down
remove_column :site, :slug, :string
And my model:
class Site < ActiveRecord::Base
extend FriendlyId
friendly_id :name, :use => :slugged
This doesn't work as Rails can't create a field with null=>false when there's already data in there.
How can I do it?
To solve this, you need to add the column, but do not put the null:false
After that, make a rake task or another migration to populate this column, and only after that, you execute other migration to execute change_column_null :site, :slug, false
Or you could do all of that in one migration, but that could be slow:
class AddSlugToSite < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
add_column :sites, :slug, :string
Site.where('slug is null').each do |site|
site.slug = nil # The documentation says this will regenerate the slug
change_column_null :site, :slug, false
add_index :sites, :slug, unique: true
def down
remove_column :sites, :slug, :string