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ODBC Connection Dynamic From Clause


Then the functional static query that uses that connection. There are 5 tables in prime.dbc.

Select field1, field2 field3
From Table1

Now based on the function below I want to feed funTestShipUic to the FROM clause instead of the static Table1.

Public Function funTestShipUic() As String

   funTestShipUic = lngTestShipUic

End Function

I have tried ...

Select field1, field2 field3
From funTestShipUic() 

But I get ODBC--call failed. ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver Invalided subscript reference.


  • It's hard to understand what you are actually trying to achieve.

    You can build dynamic SQL in VBA with string concatenation, like this:

    strSql = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM " & myFunctionThatReturnsATableName()
    Set myRecordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)

    You can also assign that SQL to an existing query, including PassThrough queries.

    DB.QueryDefs("myQuery").SQL = strSql