Then the functional static query that uses that connection. There are 5 tables in prime.dbc.
Select field1, field2 field3
From Table1
Now based on the function below I want to feed funTestShipUic to the FROM clause instead of the static Table1.
Public Function funTestShipUic() As String
funTestShipUic = lngTestShipUic
End Function
I have tried ...
Select field1, field2 field3
From funTestShipUic()
But I get ODBC--call failed. ODBC Visual FoxPro Driver Invalided subscript reference.
It's hard to understand what you are actually trying to achieve.
You can build dynamic SQL in VBA with string concatenation, like this:
strSql = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM " & myFunctionThatReturnsATableName()
Set myRecordset = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSql)
You can also assign that SQL to an existing query, including PassThrough queries.
DB.QueryDefs("myQuery").SQL = strSql