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Testing user_birthday permission - FB Graph API

I'm trying to test possible responses from the user_birthday permission. From the docs:

"[user_birthday permission] may or may not include the person's year of birth, dependent upon their privacy settings"

I'm trying to recreate this scenario. In my test user account I have set the privacy settings of date of birth and year of birth to 'only me' however user_birthday still returns full date of birth. Does anyone know under what conditions prevent data being returned?

I know it's possible for nothing to be returned because yesterday a real user testing my pre production app was routed to an alternative mechanism within the app to collect their date of birth because the user_birthday permission didn't return anything.

Thanks for any responses!

UPDATE: So I submitted a bug report to FB to ask them to make their docs more clear on this and they told me "we don't expose the exact conditions as to how [the birth year not being returned] can happen other than general 'privacy settings', since that in effect may give away something about the users privacy setting."

If anyone knows what exact conditions they're talking about then please share!


  • I don't really understand why this is the case but basically Facebook don't want you to know under what exact conditions the users birth year is not returned.

    Conclusion: just make sure your app can handle the birth year not being returned.