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Cascading Parameters Refresh in SSRS Report for Date Selection

I'm using SSRS report.

How to set another parameters default date based on first selected date. Please see the below image.

enter image description here

Here, when I will select Date value as 02-01-16 I wanted to add 14days to this date and then I want to set this updated date to Start Date parameter.

How can I do this? Can anyone please help me.

Note: So I want the same behavior like onchange event.


  • Yes! I found the easy solution.

    We need to create different Dataset. let's say I have created Dataset AddDaysDs.

    AddDaysDs Dataset

    SELECT DATEADD(dd ,14 ,@SelectdDate) AS StartDate

    Inside Dataset, pass SelectdDate as a parameter to get StartDate.

    Now, Right click on StartDate parameter and then goto Parameter properties then inside Available values tick Get values from a query and set dataset AddDaysDs

    Same thing do inside Default Values of the same field.

    Note: Ensure that all two parameters Advanced property must ticked as Always refresh