Hi I have a method that does multiple request based on _.each iteration. What I want to do is initialize vm.job = job
in the getAllJobSublinesByJobline
after the _.each iteration
var vm = this;
function getAllJobSublinesByJobline () {
return $resource( '/api/joblines/get_all_jobsublines_by_jobline/:pageLimit', {
'jobLineId' : '@jobLineId',
'page' : '@page',
'search' : '@search',
'sortField' : '@sortField',
'sortType' : '@sortType'
} );
function getJobsublinesByJoblineId ( joblines, job ) {
_.each( joblines, function ( jobline ) {
if ( parseInt( jobline.num_sublines ) ) {
var jobsublineFetchDetails = {
'pageLimit' : 10,
'jobLineId' : jobline.id
return getAllJobSublinesByJobline().save( jobsublineFetchDetails ).$promise.then( function ( jobsubline ) {
jobline.jobsublines = jobsubline.data;
job.joblines.push( jobline );
} );
job.joblines.push( jobline );
} );
vm.job = job; // initializes right away even though _.each iteration is not finished yet
My problem is that it initializes right away even though the _.each iteration has not finished fetching data yet. Why is this happening?
From the Docs:
It is important to realize that invoking a
object method immediately returns an empty reference (object or array depending onisArray
). Once the data is returned from the server the existing reference is populated with the actual data.
-- AngularJS $resource API Reference
So as said in another answer, push promises, and use $q.all
function getJobsublinesByJoblineId ( joblines, job ) {
var promises = [];
_.each( joblines, function ( jobline ) {
if ( parseInt( jobline.num_sublines ) ) {
var jobParams = {
'pageLimit' : 10,
'jobLineId' : jobline.id
var details = getAllJobSublinesByJobline().save( jobParams );
} );
$q.all(promises).then (function (detailsArray) {
//assemble job object
vm.job = job;