I have two classes BouncingBall
and another one called ElasticBall
. Both classes extends BallImpl
which implements an interface called Ball
public interface Ball {
int radius();
Point center();
void update();
public class BouncingBall extends BallImpl {
public static final int MOVEMENT_SPEED = 12;
static final int DOWN = 1;
static final int UP = -1;
private int direction;
BouncingBall(int x, int y, int direction) {
super(x, y);
this.direction = direction;
public void update() {
direction = reverseDirectionIfNecessary();
y = move();
private int reverseDirectionIfNecessary() {
if (movingTooHigh() || movingTooLow()) {
return switchDirection();
return this.direction;
private boolean movingTooLow() {
return y + radius >= BallWorld.BOX_HEIGHT && movingDown();
private boolean movingTooHigh() {
return y - radius <= 0 && movingUp();
private int switchDirection() {
return movingDown() ? UP : DOWN;
private int move() {
return y + (MOVEMENT_SPEED * direction);
private boolean movingDown() {
return direction == DOWN;
private boolean movingUp() {
return direction == UP;
public class ElasticBall extends BallImpl {
public static final int GROWTH_RATE = 2;
static final int GROW = 1;
static final int SHRINK = -1;
private int growthDirection;
ElasticBall(int x, int y, int radius, int growthDirection) {
super(x, y, radius);
this.growthDirection = growthDirection;
public void update() {
growthDirection = reverseGrowthDirectionIfNecessary();
radius = next();
private int reverseGrowthDirectionIfNecessary() {
if (growingTooBig() || shrinkingTooSmall()) {
return switchDirection();
return this.growthDirection;
private boolean shrinkingTooSmall() {
return radius <= 0 && shrinking();
private boolean growingTooBig() {
return radius >= Ball.DEFAULT_RADIUS && growing();
private int switchDirection() {
return growing() ? SHRINK : GROW;
private int next() {
return radius + (GROWTH_RATE * growthDirection);
private boolean shrinking() {
return growthDirection == SHRINK;
private boolean growing() {
return growthDirection == GROW;
I need to create a BouncingElasticBall
which combines the behavior of the BouncingBall
and the ElasticBall
classes. I have poor knowledge in OOP, and I know that Java does not allow multiple inheritance, so how can I solve this problem?
One way you could approach this is to not extend BallImpl
, but make sort-of plugins. Like this:
public class BallImpl implements Ball {
List<BallBehavior> behaviors = ...
public void update() {
behaviors.forEach(behavior -> behavior.update(this));
public interface BallBehavior {
void update(BallImpl ballImpl);
And then, just write your elastic and bouncing logic as behaviors.