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Docker Disable legacy registry using osx

I've uploaded a Docker image to a internal repository, the push seems to work fine but when i try to pull from it it says:

"{\n  \"errors\" : [ {\n    \"status\" : 400,\n    \"message\" : \"Unsupported docker v1 repository request for 'docker-v2-global-local'\"\n  } ]\n}"

After some googling I've come accross the disable legacy registry options which is mentioned in the docker daemon docs. However trying to set it from the command line results in:

docker: 'daemon' is not a docker command.

If I ssh in to my docker-machine and try to update my /var/lib/boot2docker/profile it just gives me this is read only. By this point I'm not even sure that this option will help me but how do I actually set it?

Im using: OSX 10.10.4 Docker version 1.9.1 docker-machine version 0.5.3


  • If you want to create a machine (in your case a virtualbox boot2docker one) in which the docker daemon is configured with disable-legacy-registry option, you would need to type:

    docker-machine create -d virtualbox --engine-opt disable-legacy-registry <name>