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keypress event does not triggered after choosing a choice from radio button

Using backbone js i want to execute a function while hitting on the ENTER Key.

I have a form :

  1. When i enter a vallue in an input and hit enter, the function is triggered and works fine.
  2. When i choose a button radio and hitting enter my function isn't called. Not OK

I am using this code in my view:

View.FormCustomer = CommonViews.FormCustomer.extend({
    title : "Ajouter une fiche",            

events: {  
     "keypress": "getKeyCode"

getKeyCode: function(e){
    if(e.keyCode == "13"){;

Does any one have any suggestions?


  • You might have to listen to that keypress event at the document and not in your events object.

      initialize: function(){
      var _this = this;
        $(document).on('keypress.namespace', function(){
        //you'll have to remove that event when you ditch your view, assuming you have already override your remove method...
        remove: function(){