Trying to print out the entire element retrieved from lxml.
from lxml import html
import requests
qtree = html.fromstring(page.content)
quote = qtree.xpath('//span[@class="time_rtq_ticker"]')
print 'Shares outstanding', Shares
print 'Quote', quote
The Output I get is
Quote [<Element span at 0x1044db788>]
But I'd like to print out the element for troubleshooting purposes.
There is function tostring()
in lxml.html
import lxml, lxml.html
print( lxml.html.tostring(element) )
returns list so you have to use [0]
to get only first element
print( 'Quote', html.tostring(quote[0]) )
or for
loop to work with every element separatelly
for x in quote:
print( 'Quote', html.tostring(x) )