I have tried everything I can to get my swift app connected to Quickblox.
I'm using Cocoa pods witht he following podfile:
# Uncomment this line to define a global platform for your project
platform :ios, '9.2'
# Uncomment this line if you're using Swift
target 'chat-ios' do
pod 'QuickBlox'
post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.build_configuration_list.build_configurations.each do $
I've then added a bridging header which I borrowed from the Quickblox swift example but it fails to work.
I get a host of errors as shown in the Quickblox.h file:
I also get errors in the bridging file along the lines of:
Could not build module Quickblox.h QMServices.h file not found.
I'm new to Quickblox, but i made successful way through cocoa pods. Using this guide:
started here, and just followed the movie.
if after
"sudo gem install cocoapods"
you get an error:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EPERM)
Operation not permitted - /usr/bin/xcodeproj
sudo gem install -n /usr/local/bin cocoapods
after setting up pods follow this swift-connection-guide
and after don't forget to continue first link , at the bottom of it there are some notes about setting up your app with Quickblox security keys.
note, that
[QBApplication sharedApplication].applicationId = your_app_id;;
[QBConnection registerServiceKey:@"your_app_service_key"];;
[QBSettings setAuthorizationSecret:@"your_app_authorization_secret"];;
//Go to admin.quickblox.com/account and copy Account Key:
[QBSettings setAccountKey:accountKey];
is Obj-C and some methods are deprecated. Now use:
QBSettings.setApplicationID(XXXXX) // integer, no ""
QBSettings.setAuthKey("XXXXXXXXX") // Your
QBSettings.setAuthSecret("XXXXXXXXX") // keys
QBSettings.setAccountKey("XXXXXXXXX") // here
In AppDelegate don't forget :
import Quickblox
if Xcode does not bark at you (that Quickblox is Obj-c) - probably you win.