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Outside-In TDD: Should I check in failing acceptance tests?

So you start with a failing acceptance test, and build out the feature with unit tests until the acceptance test passes. But as you get passing unit tests, should you be checking in to source control? If you do, do you mark the acceptance test to be ignored (and if so where? in code or on the build server)? How does this fit into continuous integration?


  • No, you should not check in a failing test, in a Continuous Integration environment you should be keeping the code releasable at all times, by definition a failing acceptance test shows that the code is not currently releasable.

    While it’s failing, an acceptance test demonstrates that the system does not yet implement that feature; when it passes, we’re done.
    Growing Object-Oriented Software Guided by Tests by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce

    If you are worried about losing your progress, or want to persist your changes temporarily store them as a shelveset, that way your changes are on the server and available to another developer if you are not able to get in to work to continue the feature, but equally the team has a working build that another developer can branch from to do other changes, or can integrate their completed feature with.

    I wouldn't quite put it this strongly, but this pretty much sums it up -

    43. Share code only when ready. Never check in code that’s not ready for others. Deliberately checking in code that doesn’t compile or pass its unit tests should be considered an act of criminal project negligence.
    Practices of an Agile Developer by by Venkat Subramaniam and Andy Hunt.