I've seen a couple of people using [<-
as a function with Polish notation, for example
x <- matrix(1:4, nrow = 2)
`[<-`(x, 1, 2, 7)
which returns
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 7
[2,] 2 4
I've tried playing around with [<-
a little, and it looks like using it this way prints the result of something like x[1,2] <- 7
without actually performing the assignment. But I can't figure out for sure what this function actually does, because the documentation given for ?"["
only mentions it in passing, and I can't search google or SO for "[<-".
And yes, I know that actually using it is probably a horrible idea, I'm just curious for the sake of a better understanding of R.
This is what you would need to do to get the assignment to stick:
`<-`( `[`( x, 1, 2), 7) # or x <- `[<-`( x, 1, 2, 7)
[,1] [,2]
[1,] 1 7
[2,] 2 4
Essentially what is happening is that [
is creating a pointer into row-col location of x
and then <-
(which is really a synonym for assign
that can also be used in an infix notation) is doing the actual "permanent" assignment. Do not be misled into thinking this is a call-by-reference assignment. I'm reasonably sure there will still be a temporary value of x
Your version did make a subassignment (as can be seen by what it returned) but that assignment was only in the local environment of the call to [<-
which did not encompass the global environment.