I have successfully imported my project (used to be maven) into buildship. If I run my build from the command line it all works.
What I am having issues with now - is that within eclipse the dependencies are not managed correctly. All my projects are showing red "x"s since it can't determine the needed files from other projects and/or supporting jars.
I have tried right click, gradle, refresh project -> but that didn't help. The build path shows no dependencies, and no jars (it shows an empty Maven library).
Any help would be appreciated.
Gradle Dependecies (projects):
Gradle Dependencies (jars) [two different files, but same issue]
Eclipse Buildship
It could be that the project you are trying to import already contains a .project file, in which case Buildship will use the dependencies configured in that Eclipse .project file.
I suggest you remove any Eclipse .project files from the Gradle project and then do a fresh import.
Note that as of Buildship 1.0.9, you will see a dialog during the import that will allow you to decide whether to do a clean import or whether to take the dependencies from the existing Eclipse project file.