I need this script to empty 4 cells, and change a cell from Done to Pending when both conditions are met.
I am still very inexperienced in VBA so apologies for the very basic and ugly code :P
If Range("C5").Value Like "Done" And Range("D5").Value = "1" Then
If Range("C5").Value Like "Done" And Range("D5").Value = "1" Then
If Range("C5").Value Like "Done" And Range("D5").Value = "1" Then
Range("C5").Value = "Pending"
End If
End If
End If
I don't get why the C5 Cell doesn't change itself to Pending in this situation, since the D5 Cell does clear itself.
Could it be because I use Data Validation for the cell C5? It fetches a list named =TaskState
TaskState consists of the following 4 choices: Pending In Progress On Hold Done
Many Thanks
Try this:
If Range("C5").Value Like "Done" And Range("D5").Value = "1" Then
Range("C5").Value = "Pending"
End If
The issue is as soon as you clear the contents on Column D it is no longer = 1 and the third If returns false. So it never fires on the third if statement.
The other if statements are not needed if they are testing the same thing.