I would like to hide or show the glyph from a bitbtn
after the same button is pressed.
Example: I have on a form with a 'Back' button and a 'Next' button. Both have a glyph with arrows. After the 'Next' button is pressed it's transforming in 'Finish' button without a glyph. Similar if the 'Back' button is pressed, the 'Finish' button is becoming 'Next' button with the arrow glyph. Finish button have no icon.
Glyph is of type TBitmap. In order to hide the glyph, assign Nil to it:
MyButton.Glyph := Nil;
In order to show a glyph, you need a TBitmap object with the image and assign it to Glyph:
MyButton.Glyph := MyBitmap;