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Maple Plot functions

does anybody know how to plot the Dirac function in top left corner and the sinus function given in the picture. I managed to plot the second and third easily. Would you do this with a piecewise function or is there an easy way for Plot #1 and #4 ? Thank you very much!

Arbitrary Excitations


  • If this is homework then I suppose that for the sinus example you are being asked to investigate the effects of scale and shift.

    Consider these plots, one after another. Observe how they differ. First I scale the magnitude (y-direction) by 10. Then I scale in the x-direction. And finally I shift in the x-direction.

    plot( 10*sin( x ), x=0 .. Pi, view=[0..Pi, 0..18] );

    enter image description here

    plot( 10*sin( x*Pi ), x=0 .. 1, view=[0..1, 0..18] );

    enter image description here

    plot( 10*sin( x*Pi/0.3 ), x=0 .. 0.3, view=[0..1, 0..18] );

    enter image description here

    plot( 10*sin( (x-0.1)*Pi/0.3 ), x=0.1 .. 0.4, view=[0..1, 0..18] );

    enter image description here


    It can be made to look similar to the 4th plot in the image to which you linked quite easily. You can try it with and without the various options.

    P:= plot( 10*sin( (x-0.1)*Pi/0.3 ), x=0.1 .. 0.4
              , axes=none
              , color=black
              , size=[300,0.7]
              , thickness=2
    plots:-display( P
                    , view=[0.0 .. 0.6, 0..18]
                    , tickmarks=[[0.1,0.4],[10=10*N]]
                    , axes=normal, labels=[`t[s]`,`F(t)`]
                    , size=[300,0.6]

    enter image description here

    And with more effort it can be made a closer match, visually.

    plots:-display( P
                , plottools:-arrow([0,0],[0.6,0], 0.05, 0.9, 0.05)
                , plottools:-arrow([0,0],[0,16], 0.001, 0.02, 0.08)
                , plots:-textplot([0.6, -3.5, `t[s]`, font=["courier",16]])
                , plots:-textplot([0.0, 18, `F(t)`, font=["courier",16]])
                , seq(plots:-textplot([X, -1.5, X]), X=[0,0.1,0.4])
                , plots:-textplot([-0.05, 10, "10 N"])

    enter image description here

    For your other plot you could simply plot a sequence of lines.


    And you could adjust the look and feel of the final plot as above. I'll leave that to you.

                   , size=[300,0.7]
                   , view=[0..6, 0..120]
                   , labels=["",""]

    enter image description here