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How to get attribute name instead of slug in variation?

I need to get attribute from woocommerce product variation.

$terms = get_post_meta($value['variation_id'], 'attribute_pa_color', true);

This code is giving me an attribute slug instead of name. How can I get attribute name?

Thank you so much in advance!


  • What you are getting is the slug of a taxonomy... In WooCommerce, attribute_pa_color without the attribute_ is a taxonomy.

    So you can try something like this.. to get the term by slug. And get it's name.

    $taxonomy = 'pa_color';
    $meta = get_post_meta($value['variation_id'], 'attribute_'.$taxonomy, true);
    $term = get_term_by('slug', $meta, $taxonomy);
    echo $term->name;