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MongoDB FilterDefinition & IQueryable in C#

I have the following spatial FilterDefinition:

var filter = Builders<MyDocument>
                .Near(x => x.Point, point, 1000);

Is there any way to include this into an IQueryable expression?

For example, I might have the following LINQ statement. How can I include the above condition? From what I can see, there is no LINQ support for spatial querying.

return Database
    .Where(x => x.StartDate.Date <= date)
    .Where(x => x.EndDate.Date >= date)
    .Where(x => keys.Contains(selectedKeys))

I am using the new 2.2.2 libraries.


  • There is a feature request in the .NET drivers jira project: So, the answer is currently no, but hopefully soon.

    However, there is a "Where" method on the FilterDefinitionBuilder ( that will allow you to include a LINQ predicate into normal find/aggregation queries.