I just inspected my /var/lib/docker/volumes folder and discovered that is bursting with folders named as Docker UUIDs each of which contain a config.json file with contents along the lines of
is the path to the folder on the host that was mounted on to a docker container with the -v switch at some point. I have such folders dating back to the start of my experiments with Docker, i.e. about 3 weeks ago.
The containers in question were stopped and docker rm'ed a long time ago so I cannot see that those entries are not past their sell-by date. This begs the question - is the left over I am seeing a bug or does one need to manually discard such entries from /var/lib/docker/volumes?
For Docker 1.9 and up there's a native way:
List all orphaned volumes with
$ docker volume ls -qf dangling=true
Eliminate all of them with
$ docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -qf dangling=true)