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Stubbing Devise in rSpec and Rails3

How would you stub Devise in Rails 3 with rSpec. I have a UsersController and a User model. Both of which are associated with Devise at the moment, I'm writing controller specs and I really am having a hard time with my expectations as the Devise sign_in is really jamming up the works.

Any thing will help.


  • I found that it is now pretty easy to do this. There was a problem with rspec2 and devise, but is now solved. I guess you would need to update your gems. Then you can write

    require 'spec_helper'
    describe DoStuffController do
      include Devise::TestHelpers
      before (:each) do
        @user = Factory.create(:user)
        sign_in @user
      describe "GET 'index'" do
        it "should be successful" do
          get 'index'
          response.should be_success

    [UPDATE] On the devise wiki there is now a detailed (and probably more up-to-date) description.