I tried to make an airconsole game at my university. Unfortunately like nearly all universities devices are not able to see each other on the network. That means I can't serve pages from my laptop to my phone. So, the standard
Does NOT work. This makes it impossible for university students and people at game jams at universities to make games for airconsole.
I even tried setting up a remote server at digital ocean, uploaded my code there and then using
Even that didn't work. Since I was on a deadline (Global Game Jam 2016) eventually I just gave up.
Is there a workaround or is making games for airconsole on a typical university network just impossible?
You can use tools like https://ngrok.com/ to make your localhost public even if there is client isolation.
Let's say you are running your game on and is not accessible from a your smartphone.
Then run the following command:
ngrok http 7842
This will output you something like
Tunnel Status online
Version 2.0.19/2.0.20
Web Interface
Forwarding http://8941ec1a.ngrok.io ->
Forwarding https://8941ec1a.ngrok.io ->
You can see that http://8941ec1a.ngrok.io now forwards to
Now start your browser on: http://www.airconsole.com/#http://8941ec1a.ngrok.io/ and you should be able to connect your smartphone.
Note to Unity Developers: You need the latest airconsole unity plugin from www.github.com released on 2016-02-01 and you should select "Normal" as the browser start mode.