According to the documentation, ascli should be able to take arguments when applying a record udf against a record (docs on ascli command 'udf-record-apply').
However, I have failed to get this to work. Here is a minimal example:
-- Minimal failing example
function testfunc(rec, param1, param2, param3)
local ret = map()
-- Just print what was passed into UDF
ret['debug_param1'] = param1
ret['debug_param2'] = param2
ret['debug_param3'] = param3
return ret
It was registered with ascli udf-put minimal-example.lua
. When used with aql, the record udf works fine:
aql> execute minimal-example.testfunc(12345) on test.test where PK = '1'
| testfunc |
| {"debug_param1":12345, "debug_param2":NIL, "debug_param3":NIL} |
1 row in set (0.000 secs)
However, when used from cli with param1 = 12345, it ignores any parameters passed to the udf:
$ ascli udf-record-apply test test 1 minimal-example testfunc 12345
{ "debug_param1": null, "debug_param2": null, "debug_param3": null }
Are my calls to ascli incorrect or is this a bug?
You can pass in integer lists (or empty lists) into UDFs via ascli. For example:
ascli udf-record-apply test test 1 udfModule funcName [123] [234,235] [1,[2]] []
A couple of notes:
- Parameter passing appears to work only for integer lists (no strings, maps, etc.)
- There's no white space after the comma in the list