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Binomial Coefficient in C program explanation

So I have to write a program that prints out the eleven 10th order binomial coefficients. I came across this code that does what I needed, but I'm trying to understand why it works.


int binomialCoeff(int n, int k)
    if(k == 0)return 1;
    if(n <= k) return 0;

    return (n*binomialCoeff(n-1,k-1))/k;

int main()
    int k;
          printf("%d\n", binomialCoeff(10, k));

I get why the int main part works, I just don't get how the binomialCoeff calculation is made. I'm relatively new to all of this coding stuff, so thank you for the help!


  • This is actually pretty elegant.

    The function binomialCoeff is a recursive function with 2 base conditions. If k == 0, you return just 1. If n<k you return 0. So if none of that is true, you recall the same function by subtracting one from n and k. This repeats resulting in

    n * (binomialCoeff(n-1,k-1))/k

    So say N is 10 and K is 7

    you get


    Just to keep things simple, lets call the first time binomialCoeff is called res1. Which simplifies things to:


    but res1 itself calls binomialCoeff

    resulting in


    which we can call res2

    so we get


    and so on until you meet the base conditions; resulting in a series of n's multiplied together.