I'm trying to run hits algororithm of jung library. The input of this algorithm is a graph, so I created ones and I use it as an input of this algorithm. But when I run it, Eclipse generate this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String
cannot be cast to edu.uci.ics.jung.graph.Vertex
at com.tweets.algorithms.HITS.initialize(HITS.java:52)
at com.tweets.algorithms.HITS.<init>(HITS.java:41)
at com.tweets.test.Main.main(Main.java:121)
Here is how I created my graph:
private static String getId(int nodeId){
return "Node " + nodeId;
private static String getId(int nodeId, int neighborId){
return "Edge " + nodeId + " -> " + neighborId;
public static Graph<String, Integer> createGraph1(String graphId,
boolean[][] adjacencyMatrix){
Graph<String,Integer> g = new DirectedSparseGraph <String,Integer>();
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < adjacencyMatrix.length; nodeId++)
for (int nodeId = 0; nodeId < adjacencyMatrix.length; nodeId++)
for (int neighborId = 0; neighborId < adjacencyMatrix[nodeId].length; neighborId++)
if (adjacencyMatrix[nodeId][neighborId])
//g.addEdge(getId(nodeId, neighborId),nodeId , neighborId);
And this is how I call the hits algorithm in the main class:
HITS ranker = new HITS(g);
And the IDE indicated that the error is in this bloc in the hits class:
protected void initialize(Graph g) {
super.initialize(g, true, false);
mPreviousAuthorityScores = new HashMap();
mPreviousHubScores = new HashMap();
for (Iterator vIt = g.getVertices().iterator(); vIt.hasNext();) {
Vertex currentVertex = (Vertex) vIt.next();
setRankScore(currentVertex, 1.0, AUTHORITY_KEY);
setRankScore(currentVertex, 1.0, HUB_KEY);
mPreviousAuthorityScores.put(currentVertex, new MutableDouble(0));
mPreviousHubScores.put(currentVertex, new MutableDouble(0));
I'm sure that's a cast error, but I can't resolve it. Can someone help me please
It appears that you have two incompatible versions of JUNG in your classpath: one that's using generics (e.g. Graph) which makes it version 2.x, and one that is using the old-style Vertex interfaces, which is version 1.x.
You need to remove the version 1.x version from your classpath.